This material is published thanks to the kindness of Mr. Tito Rodríguez, Director of the Argentine Diving Institute. These interesting notes were distributed periodically via email and allow us to learn about the customs and some curiosities of marine fauna.
This is work that we do with a lot of love; it aims to inform people about what we lose every time an oil spill occurs or someone harms the sea in any way. If it’s true (and I believe it is) that you can’t defend what you don’t love, and you can’t love what you don’t know, the Secrets serve to make people fall in love with the sea. Every day, we are more. Spreading information is the foundation of basic education. Thank you for sharing the trenches of this war, a war that we are going to win because we are more and we are right.
Tito Rodríguez
Director of the Argentine Diving Institute