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Secrets of the sea


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This material is published thanks to the kindness of Mr. Tito Rodríguez, Director of the Argentine Diving Institute. These interesting notes were distributed periodically via email and allow us to learn about the customs and some curiosities of marine fauna.

This is work that we do with a lot of love; it aims to inform people about what we lose every time an oil spill occurs or someone harms the sea in any way. If it’s true (and I believe it is) that you can’t defend what you don’t love, and you can’t love what you don’t know, the Secrets serve to make people fall in love with the sea. Every day, we are more. Spreading information is the foundation of basic education. Thank you for sharing the trenches of this war, a war that we are going to win because we are more and we are right.

Tito Rodríguez
Director of the Argentine Diving Institute

Good giants Elderly travelers
From the Deep Blue Learning to defend oneself
Jumping to Survive The art of self-protection
The fastest one Life in the tusks
Cleaning stations Immune to bites
Feathers under the water Drinking in the desert
Attracting attention When octopuses are born
Pregnant fathers Habit changes
Snail without a home Caring for the baby
Freshwater dolphins The sex of sea turtles
Voracious parents Eat the brothers
Hasty babies Dying on the beach or living in the sea
To see you better  Harmless giants
Fish milk That tender fragility
Safe reproduction A face’s eye
Hunting horses Narvales
Statics animals Owners of the air
Love of giants Bad reputation
Inflating to survive The stones on the way
A new species of killer whale That beautiful danger
Seei the sound Guardiass of the night
A mobile nursery El más grande de los delfines
Monstrously harmless Cultivating the sea
Flying beneath the waves The pandas of the sea
Swift travelers Dead ships
The waters are alive Sleeping well wrapped up
Fish that shoot The good aim of the cone snail
Partners Are dolphins intelligent?
Suns under the sea A wall of fish
The world is changing Drowning crabs
The march of the lobsters The fish man
Sikanauk, the owner of time Blue hope
A crown of thorns for the coral The pleasure of killing dolphins
Perfect synchronization Eight headed snakes
Identity A nature’s joke
The bad reputation of varracudas Turtles and the pope
The wolf’s mouth The dragon seahorse
Invisible meadows PCB contamination
Love language of cuttlefish Intentional shipwrecks
Cyanide Rapturing the female
Sleeping sharks Seductive teeth
A poison shield Slippery friendliness
With the heart in the mouth Guest
The penguin city Link found
Playing with fire Not understanding dead
Sand factories Fight club
Patagonia invaded The magical balance
Determined ladies The garden of the giant oyster
Daytime bedroom The shrimp’s balance
Behind Flipper Prested poisons
Scent messages The fantastic needlefish
When do dolphins sleep? The power of unity
Armed shrimp Educating children
Living in confinement Discussing the undeniable
The cooperative of baby turtles Slaves
Why do they come back? Sea vampires
Crabs that eat cows The smallest seahorse
Condemned to movement Natural fiber optics
Tiburón ballena Longevity
Angel wings Silent crowd
A world to discover Next summer
Sponges and cancer Flutter
A simple mistake Daughters of the moon
Parents in maternal roles Living pantries
Vampire snail The name of the whale
Harmlessly dangerous The art of fishing
The boss’s friends The adorable thief
Where others do not reach Flexible armor
Transgender Strange fishermen
Bloody tourism The gaze of the chief
Playing hide and seek For a kiss from your lips
The heavy burden of the humpback whale Tomorrow
All for one… The sacred connection
Obesity in animals Returning to youth
The great simulator Not all stars…
The octopus’s collection That strange way of being born
Unbalanced The advantage of being dangerous
Elegantly decorated Dangerous whales
Training humans Babel
Vertical migration And the coral shall return
Hidden in the ice A great day
With coral on the skin The dolphin’s nap
The first meal Those strange cases
Family Beautiful, like a tubeworm
Ears and tails Tuvalu
Tainha From the latent past
Where oblivion sails Prohibited caresses
Stingrays Wanted
In the name of tradition The electric «radar»
Traffic control Memories from the past
The patient net The protector
Like smoke in the water Tito Rodríguez, a secret of the sea