With their multiple
variety of vegetal species and animals,
the tropical rainforests are the most
productive biomes of the Earth and
those of greatest biodiversity. The
average temperature in tropical rainforests
ranges from 70 to 85° F. The environment
is pretty wet in tropical rainforests,
maintaining a high humidity of 77%
to 88% year-round. The yearly rainfall
ranges from 80 to 400 inches, and
it can downpour as much as 2 inches
in an hour.
The rainforests
extend in a discontinuous way over
expanded territories; the presence
of mountains, plateaus, lakes, marshes
and rivers prevents that it covers
all the equatorial zone. The virgin
forest is located in Central and South
America, Central Africa and in Malaysia
and lndonesia. The landscape is similar
in all those areas, but each one of
them has their own characteristics.
The ground, that
provides water and mineral salts are
not fertile in the rainforest, since
the organic matter quickly is disturbed
by the heat and the humidity, and
the nutrients are washed in intense
rains. In addition, it remains humid,
since the thick foliage absorbs almost
all the light and it doesn't allow
the passage of solar rays towards
the interior. The visibility reaches
about 20 meters.
A thick vegetation
The dominant vegetation
is arboreal, with units of 20 up to
40 meters of height. Against which
it is believed, the trees of high
trunks without low branches integrate
a landscape in which it is relatively
easy to move.
Also the epiphyte
plants - that live on the surface
of others plants, like the typical
lianas, the ferns, the shrubs and
other infinite species abound. It
even prosper forms of life pertaining
to the kingdom of the fungi, the protistas
and the moneras. Other characteristic
is that because there is not cold
climate, the plants conserve their
foliage all the year.
Most of the vegetation
consists of hard wood trees, with
very few herbaceous plants.
Oppositely to some
wooded zones of Europe or North America,
where there are few predominant arboreal
species and sometimes a single one
(for example pine groves), in the
virgin forest it prosper one hundred
different species from trees by hectare.
Usually there are two levels of height,
superior, that reaches to 30 and more
meters, and underbrush, that arrives
until 15 meters.
The lianas, the
ferns, plants with flowers and certain
seaweed and mosses can grow in the
rainforest, but only in the zone of
greater height, where they receive
sufficient light

In biome
rainforest is represented the
three ground layers or horizons:
A , B and C. Abundant rains favour
the washing of minerals, which
determines a non fertile ground,
and the accumulation of oxide
of iron and aluminium give it
that particular reddish colour. |
The tropical
The rainforest
animals live in the different
layers or strips from vegetation,
adapted to their characteristics.
The prey birds nest in the glasses
of the trees. Below them are
the monkeys, the parrots and
the toucans, that coexist with
butterflies and colourful flowers.
At level of the ground, live
the antelopes, wild boars, lizards
and serpents, toads, frogs and
felines, some of which also
climb to the trees. The grasshoppers,
beetles, ants, termites and
others of great size are numerous.
In order to
have an idea of the rainforest
biodiversity it is possible
to be considered that in 10
km2 of surface can coexist 760
species of trees, 125 of mammals,
400 of birds, 100 of reptiles
and 60 of amphibians. In a single
tree 400 species of insects
can be counted.
The prehistoric
According to the
theory of Charles Darwin on the evolution
of the species, the ancestors of the
man evolved from primates who inhabited
in forests and tropical rainforests,
where fed themselves on wild stems,
leaves, roots, seeds and fruits. The
hominid ones, group of primates in
which is include the man - today its
only representative-, left the forest,
but they continued taking advantage
of the resources who it offered them,
not only in foods but also to obtain
fire and to make arms, houses and
until transport means.
In the past, the
forests covered surfaces greater than
the present ones. It is probable that
the African rainforest extended by
the east and the north until being
united with the rainforests of Arabia
and India. It is believed that the
influence of the man on the climatic
changes modified the space in those
regions. The studies have demonstrated
that there were virgin forests from
the times of the cretacic, since more
than 100 million years. The fossils
of those times confirm that the north
of Europe was populated with similar
rainforests to which today they cover
the tropical.