much the petroleum spills
as the forest fires seriously
affect the trofic chains
of the ecosystems. |
The contamination
with pesticidal, the petroleum spills
in the sea, the dangers of the nuclear
radiation and forest fires threaten
the Earth ecosystems. It is essential
for the defence of the life in the
planet that spreads and analyzes the
errors that have taken to situations
of serious ecological damage.
The petroleum
One of the greater
causes of oceanic contamination is
the petroleum spills. 46% of petroleum
and their industrial derivatives that
are spilled in the sea are remainders
that overturn the coastal cities.
The sea is used like a very accessible
and cheap deposit of polluting substances,
and the situation will not change
while strict controls do not exist,
with severe sanctions for the violators.
13% of the spills
must to accidents that undergo to
the great petroleum containers boats,
that by negligence of the authorities
and of the oil companies transport
the fuel in inadequate conditions.
In the last years, some of the most
spectacular accidents were the one
of the ship-tank Valdés of
the Exxon, happened in front of the
Alaska coasts on 24 of March of 1989,
and the one of the Aegean Sea oil
tanker, on 3 of December of 1992,
in front of the entrance of the port
of Corunna, in Spain.
Another 32% of the
spills come from the washing of the
tanks of the great ships that transport
this fuel.
The spills cause
great loss of life of aquatic birds,
fish and other alive beings of the
oceans. This alters the balance of
the ecosystem and modifies the trofic
chain. In the affected zones, the
fishing, the navigation and the advantage
of beaches with recreational aims
become impossible.
In forest
fires the trees are not the only
ones harmed: many animals are
catched in the smoke, whereas
others migrate. |
The nuclear leak
Certain substances
propagate energy when disintegrating
itself in their atoms, and also the
residual heat - persistent during
years- that it generate. That phenomenon,
known like radioactivity, is particularly
intense in the case of the plutonium.
At the present time,
424 installed nuclear power stations
in 25 countries produce 16% of the
world-wide electricity. Some countries,
like the United States, pressed by
the terrible accident of Chernobyl,
have annulled the projects of construction
of new nuclear plants.
The explosion registered
in Chernobyl on 26 of April of 1986
released great amount of radioactivity.
The cloud that formed moved to other
countries, by the action of winds.
The more contaminated zone included
about 260,000 km2 of the ex- Soviet
republics of Ukraine, Russia and Belarús,
and affected in a direct way to 2.600.000
The Soviet authorities
only admitted officially 31 victims,
but it calculates that the radioactive
emissions produced 32,000 dead ones
in the first ten years, and that 400,000
people had to be moved of their places.
The explosion of the nuclear reactor
caused terrible effects in the health
of the population: increase of infantile
mortality, cancer of thyroid, increase
of the amount of children born with
leukemia, malformations, tumors and
other affections, that will be transmitted
genetically. In addition, the disaster
caused the destruction of whole harvests
and food contamination.
The nuclear
power stations have high costs
of construction and maintenance,
in addition it has demonstrated
not to be the sufficiently efficient
. Of all ways, the leading one
for the cease of the construction
of some plants in the world has
been the accident of Chernobyl,
Ukraine. |
Another problem
related to the nuclear escapes, and
not less important by its consequences,
is the destiny of the radioactive
waste. At first it had been chosen
to spill it in the oceanic bottoms.
But soon it was
demonstrated that the procedure was
not safe enough.
Different alternative
solutions have looked for, and at
the present time it continues the
Perhaps the best
one of the proposed methods is the
underground, hermetic storage and
without established term.
Forest fires
Annually the man
dismantles near 12.000.000 hectares
of tropical forest. Nevertheless,
this reduction is not the unique one
that undergoes the forest areas of
our planet; it must add the excessive
operation which suffer other types
of forests and the loss that cause
More than 7.000.000
hectares of forests, jungle and scrubs
are destroyed annually by this cause.
Between the factors that favour this
phenomenon are the high temperatures,
the strong and dry droughts and great
lack of humidity and winds that contribute
to the dispersion of the fire. What
begins being a spark, quickly becomes
a fire center that advances and it
is not possible to be stopped nor
to be controlled.
In the way of advance
of a forest fire, three sectors can
be distinguished. The upper level,
the one in which the fire happens
in the glass of the trees, that is
to say, where are the branches and
the leaves, is the one of the faster
advance and most difficult to control.
At medium level, where the shrubs
grow, the fire advances less quickly
but it affects not only to these but
also to the herbaceous layer. In the
inferior level, below the ground,
the advance occurs to a much more
slow rate, but the damage that causes
the fire when it arrives at this part
is greater than in any other level,
since it burns the roots and it carbonizes
humus inflict casualties irreparable.
In many occasions
the fires are originated in a natural
way or sometimes in controlled form,
but, in other opportunities these
catastrophes happen by negligence,
in special in natural tourist zones
or protected areas where the man lives
outdoors in close contact with the